Snow business like SEO business…

Been working with my buddy Thomas Bindl over the past few weeks. We’re working together on a large European project. We spent most of last week in Amsterdam and then moved on to Helsinki, Finland.

We’ve not had much snow in the UK this year. So it was nice to see the crisp white covering over the Finnish countryside. And no shortage of it downtown, either.

Unfortunately, Thomas got a covering of an entirely different colour on the plane from Amsterdam to Helsinki. I was working on my laptop and moved it just slightly on the table… just enough to knock a glass of red wine all over Thomas’ jacket and my own trousers.

Yes, there was the usual panic wiping down the laptop with anything to hand before anything else. Of course, as anyone who knows Thomas will be aware, he doesn’t wear bargain buys. Only designer labels for him. So, one suit jacket duly ruined. And one pair of suit trousers (mine) duly ruined.

As you can imagine, the presentation to our Finnish partners was very much a casual event 🙂

I really must say thanks to Thomas for a) not freaking out with me for ruining his suit and b) paying no attention to his jacket until he was assured that my laptop was safe. Now there’s a friend for you.

And just look at the snow in the airport for our return flights. Brrrrr…

Copenhagen and Vienna next.

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