Code ‘n’ stuff…
Just got back from Hong Kong and another flying visit into China to meet with my friends in Xiamen.
More about that in the next post. For this one, I thought I should just let the many who have complained about the buggy code that prevented the blog from being viewed in non IE browsers know – I’ve fixed it.
No, it wasn’t a road to Damascus type thing. It was a forced into to it by Microsoft type thing. I had an issue with IE 6 and after a zillion attempts to rid myself of the problem, I was virtually frogmarched by Microsoft into installing IE 7.
Of course, it solved the browser issue, but the blog had that very buggy Firefox render to it. So after relentlessly ignoring all of the issues (my mother, who is the number one visitor to the blog never noticed any issues with IE 6) I pulled the template down, did a little editing and republished the entire blog.
I’ve had a quick peek at it in Firefox and it looks fine on this machine. And it’s fine in both IE 6 and 7 now. As for the rest of the browser world, which has to be such a tiny percentage after IE and Firefox combined – sorry if it’s not working for you.
But like I’ve said many times before, this is not a business blog, it’s a personal thing purely for my family and close friends. And that being the case, I’m not even going to attempt to look at it in Opera or any other browser as it’s just not worth it.
I spent most of last week in Hong Kong/China with my head stuck in UltraEdit trying to debug some perl scripts I’d cannibalised and hacked from others years ago. My ISP crashed and the back up servers went too. So I had to dig out my own file backups (cobwebs and all) and try and remember how I’d put them together in the first place.
Y’know, back in the day, I used to find the odd bit of coding quite therapeutic. But after last week and today, I realise it just puts me to sleep now (imagine ‘thud of body landing on desk’ sound effect).
What I need is access to a team of highly qualified Russian coders… and I think I know exactly where to find one 😉
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