Mike Grehan
SEO pioneer, author, world-traveler and keynote speaker, Champagne connoisseur and consummate drinking partner to the global digital marketing community. Former publisher of SearchEngineWatch.com and ClickZ.com, and producer of the industry’s largest search and social marketing event, SES Conference & Expo. Proud to be Chairman of SEMPO the largest global trade association for search marketers. And equally proud to be Chief Executive Officer of Chelsea Digital the darned finest little search marketing agency in the known universe. Fun fact: Used to be a popular radio DJ in the UK… Before finding a proper job.
HI There Mike,
I working for Oxford University Press in the UK and am contacting you regarding a photo that you took of Matt Cutts that we would like to use in one of our books. Please can you email me back at [email protected].
Many thanks
Sophie Swaine
Senior Art Editor
Mike, are you the dj from Metro Radio in the 80’s when we met and you regularly played our music? would love to talk to you