Mike Grehan says...

Random musings about search marketing, flying around the planet, networking and people watching.

Tuesday, August 14, 2007

Oooops! Must be reciprocal when deserved...

Lee Odden (nice bloke) has an interview with me over here.

And, for no other reason than my eldest son dared me too...

He found a badly wrecked picture of me when I was only 18 in my late father's stuff and was very impressed with my hairstyle, the satin jacket, strange choice of Boston strangler gloves and very weird choker chain. Had he only seen the strange looking cigarette I was smoking just before the pic, I'm sure he would have been doubly proud! :-)



  • At 5:34 PM, Johnny T said…

    Outstanding picture. Well done. Nothing wrong with a funny cigarette once in a while to keep things in perspective...


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