A big SEO "top o' the mornin' to ya."

Yes, this weekend we Irish types celebrate St Patrick's day. And Wednesday of next week I'll be heading back to Mother Ireland to team up with Danny Sullivan, Chris Sherman and a whole host of search marketers for SearchMarketingWorld live in Dublin.
What else can I say, other than... Mine's a Guinness :-)
Yes, this weekend we Irish types celebrate St Patrick's day. And Wednesday of next week I'll be heading back to Mother Ireland to team up with Danny Sullivan, Chris Sherman and a whole host of search marketers for SearchMarketingWorld live in Dublin.
What else can I say, other than... Mine's a Guinness :-)
At 2:17 PM, Johnny T said…
Have a Happy St. Patty's, Mike. I'm looking forward to the case of New Castle waiting at home (hope it's not too much of a sin to enjoy some good English brew on St. Patty's).
At 2:22 PM, MikeG said…
As a man who lives in the very city where Brown is brewed... I'll drink to that ;-)
At 2:32 PM, Johnny T said…
I suppose some Jameson may or may not make an appearance as well...
Have fun next week at SMW; I wish you and the rest of the team well. Cheers!
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