"In conversation with..."
Had a few people asking about the "Big Interview" with Matt Cutts from last year. Not sure why, but lots of good stuff in that one. So for those who missed it:
Part one
Part two
And here's the great man himself during the interview for all you Cuttlets out there to feast your eyes on :-)

Had a few people asking about the "Big Interview" with Matt Cutts from last year. Not sure why, but lots of good stuff in that one. So for those who missed it:
Part one
Part two
And here's the great man himself during the interview for all you Cuttlets out there to feast your eyes on :-)

Labels: Matt Cutts interview reminder.
At 4:05 PM, ctabuk said…
Thanks for doing that Mike - we seemed to have missed getting the interview posted over at www.davidcastle.org (SEO Forum)
Our latest question is on Trust Rank - We know that Google has taken the copywrite and my theory is that TR will be based on who you link out to and what relevance those links have to your optimized pages. So I'm opting on .gov's - do you have any views on this please. Michael Martinez posts at my place and it would be nice to beat him for once! LOL -Cheers David
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