Lucky seven.
Today is an unusual day. It's my seventh wedding anniversary today. And it's also the day that my son's attacker goes to trial. So, although I'm looking forward to our traditional anniversary Russian/Greek night out (we were married in Cyprus) , it's mixed with grim court proceedings today.
Of course our wedding on the seafront in such a beautiful place was something I'll treasure forever. But there's one thing which always stands out in my mind about our wedding. And that's a little story we were told during the ceremony. As a catholic marrying an atheist we didn't figure much on a particularly strong religious theme.
However, we were told a story from the Bible, about how Jesus brought Lazarus back from the dead. I was thinking to myself: "what the heck has people dying got to do with getting married?"
Anyway, the bemused look on my face disappeared when it was explained to us that, and I never knew this, after Lazarus was brought back, he died for the second (and last time), in Cyprus.
I think most people may have heard the story of Lazarus, but like me, perhaps, wondered what happened to him afterwards. Because there's a not a lot in the bible about him after that, as far as I remember. Anyway, he finished his life on the beautiful island of Cyprus and the church where he was buried, was just around the corner from where we were married.
There's a long story about how my wife and I met, which I've told many times. I sometimes think back and wonder how a guy from the Scottish Borders ended up marrying a woman from the Siberian border (in Cyprus, of all places)?
So, it's been seven years of absolutely wonderful times. And some absolutely horrendous times! But I think we're getting to know each other by now!
I'll save the story of how we met for around the dinner table, which is where it usually gets told. I'll simply post my favourite picture of my wife, Tatjana. And wish her happy anniversary.

Today is an unusual day. It's my seventh wedding anniversary today. And it's also the day that my son's attacker goes to trial. So, although I'm looking forward to our traditional anniversary Russian/Greek night out (we were married in Cyprus) , it's mixed with grim court proceedings today.
Of course our wedding on the seafront in such a beautiful place was something I'll treasure forever. But there's one thing which always stands out in my mind about our wedding. And that's a little story we were told during the ceremony. As a catholic marrying an atheist we didn't figure much on a particularly strong religious theme.
However, we were told a story from the Bible, about how Jesus brought Lazarus back from the dead. I was thinking to myself: "what the heck has people dying got to do with getting married?"
Anyway, the bemused look on my face disappeared when it was explained to us that, and I never knew this, after Lazarus was brought back, he died for the second (and last time), in Cyprus.
I think most people may have heard the story of Lazarus, but like me, perhaps, wondered what happened to him afterwards. Because there's a not a lot in the bible about him after that, as far as I remember. Anyway, he finished his life on the beautiful island of Cyprus and the church where he was buried, was just around the corner from where we were married.
There's a long story about how my wife and I met, which I've told many times. I sometimes think back and wonder how a guy from the Scottish Borders ended up marrying a woman from the Siberian border (in Cyprus, of all places)?
So, it's been seven years of absolutely wonderful times. And some absolutely horrendous times! But I think we're getting to know each other by now!
I'll save the story of how we met for around the dinner table, which is where it usually gets told. I'll simply post my favourite picture of my wife, Tatjana. And wish her happy anniversary.

At 4:34 PM, Barry said…
Happy Anniversary Tatjana and Mike!
At 5:00 PM, MikeG said…
Thank you, Barry.
At 7:16 PM, randfish said…
Congratulations, Mike! I wish you many more happy years together.
At 7:23 PM, grehangelist said…
what a beautiful wife! you're a lucky guy...congrats mike!
not sure if i've heard the story about how you and your wife met...looking forward to buying you a drink and hearing that soon.
and good luck with the trial.
At 10:22 PM, Aaron Pratt said…
Congrats and what a stunning looking lady!
Gheesh, you son was attacked??? WTF?
Take care,
At 2:41 AM, Jim said…
Congrats Mike and Tatjana!
I gotta ask, how does she handle all the traveling that you do?
At 4:42 PM, Brian Turner said…
Best wishes to your family on your anniversary. :)
That's a great pic as well, Mike - but if I may say so, she looks even better in the flesh. :)
At 2:54 PM, Nicky said…
See, men are softies too! :D
Happy Anniversary to you both.
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